Over 25 Years Experience | Up to 10 year warranty | Trading since 1994 | Family Business


Over 25 years experience, with up to 10 year warranty

Landscaping - outdoor rooms

As well as creating homes and interiors we also create outdoor rooms. We have a wide range of landscaping skills which have been put to great use on some wonderful projects. We have all the trades required to complete the project on time and on budget. 

We install outdoor utilities, full electrical and plumbing where needed.

We completely project manage each kitchen fit-out from demolition to completion with many satisfied clients in Northampton, Milton Keynes, Oxford. We cover Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and into London.

Our Services:

We also supply and fit – PVC-UPVC & Aluminium doors, bi-fold doors & windows, plastering, laminate & engineered floors, all carpentry, painting and decorating…

Window Installations

Our Interiors

Are you looking for the ideal company to renovate or refurbish of your home interiors…call us for a quote…